To give concrete expression to your project vision and achieve your quality objectives, your team can implement strategies and actions right now: call it Quality Operation! Once the flagship initiatives of your project have been established, it’s time to orchestrate their implementation, step by step, through the entire duration of the project. This backgrounder provides a reminder of the scope of each stage of an urban project along with a template to help you map out a custom Quality Operation plan.
Work as a team to define the Quality Operation for your project, using the Compass.
Key Takeaways
Quality Operation is a quality management plan requiring:
- A good understanding of the quality vision and objectives;
- A good understanding of the expected benefits;
- A good understanding of the project implementation context (i.e., constraints and opportunities);
- A good understanding of the framework for implementation (i.e., timetable and budget);
- A realistic portrait of the team members’ collective capacities;
- A stated commitment to quality by the team;
- Openness to completing the project differently;
- Openness to dialogue;
- A desire for continuous improvement;
- A desire for sustainable quality.
Implementing Quality for the Long Term
This backgrounder refers to the standardized stages for completion of a municipal project, as per the Ville de Montréal’s municipal projects and programs governance framework. Those stages are:
This stage involves the conducting of preliminary studies and the initial programming phases. The team studies the particularities of the project and starts identifyingthe desired benefits on the surrounding area. The objectives of this stage include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Define the siting context of the project;
- Define the initial known constraints, risks and opportunities;
- Formulate assumptions as to the conditions for project completion (e.g., timetable, human and financial resources);
- Identify the stakeholders (people and organizations) that will be actively involved in the project or whose interests may be affected positively or negatively if the project is (or is not) implemented;
- Define the preliminary program;
- Define the preliminary vision of the project and the specific objectives attached to it;
- Define the expected benefits of the project on the built and living environment and its specific contribution to the municipal development objectives.
This stage involves the exploration and definition of the program and the conditions for project completion. The team explores and details the quality vision for the project along with its quality objectives. The objectives of this stage include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Explore program scenarios;
- Define the project program, vision and objectives (Quality Vision);
- Define the conditions for project completion, such as the governance posture, the human and financial resources required, the timetable and the other management parameters;
- Define the conditions for project implementation, including the expected delivery method.
This stage involves the development of the project implementation plan, which incorporates the main strategies and actions of the Quality Operation. The objectives of this stage include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Assign the roles and responsibilities;
- Hire the required external professionals;
- Define the quality management and monitoring plan;
- Define the plan for managing and mitigating risk and unforeseen events;
- Define the communications management plan;
- Define the drivingconcept of the project;
- Detail the budget estimate (Class D);
- Detail the project schedule.
This stage involves the execution of the project, from conceptualization to delivery. The team activates the quality management and monitoring plan, step by step. The objectives of this stage include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Develop the concept and produce the drawings and specifications for construction;
- Issue the calls for tenders;
- Proceed with construction;
- Proceed with commissioning;
- Apply the quality management and monitoring plan (conceptualization phase) and continually adjust its contents;
- Apply the plan for managing and mitigating risk and unforeseen events and continually adjust its contents;
- Apply the communications management plan and continually adjust its contents;
- Apply the budget management plan and continually adjust its contents;
- Apply the schedule management plan and continually adjust its contents;
- Document and communicate the learnings, recommendations and innovative solutions developed.
This post-occupancy stage involves project operations, maintenance and sustainability. The team pursues application of the quality management and sustainability plan, from a perspective of continuous improvement. The objectives of this stage include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Apply the quality management and monitoring plan (post-occupancy phase) and continually adjust its contents;
- Continue documenting and communicating the learnings, recommendations and innovative solutions developed.
Quality Operation Is for Right Now
Use the supplied template to orchestrate your quality implementation plan, step by step. Note that the template is a universal canvas that each team must adapt to the specific needs and conditions oftheir project. The strategies and actions it contains are taken word for word from the Quality Operation section of the Toolkit: they are not limitative, norin aset format or order. From a perspective of continuous improvement, this plan will probably need to be reviewed and adapted over the course of the project. Keep it handy, and don’t hesitate to reframe it as needed!
Use this template to orchestrate the Quality Operation for your project, step by step.