Les Temps de la Qualité – Presentations of Public Commissioning Experiences

This series of lectures open to the public proposed five ways of stimulating quality in projects by implementing specific project management and public commissioning processes. Inspiring examples were drawn from experiences in Paris, Brussels, Geneva and Edmonton. Each presentation was followed by a question-and-answer session with the public.

The event was organized by the Cellule architecture de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and Montréal’s Bureau du design.

The five conferences were as follows: 

  1. Francesco Della Casa, Canton Architect, Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland: "Building the City Through Anonymous Architecture Competitions – From Social Housing to the New Philharmonic Concert Hall, a Geneva Case Study"
  2. Chantal Dassonville, Architect, Deputy Director, Wallonie-Bruxelles Federation (Architecture Cell), Belgium: "Public Procurement: Uncertainty and Responsibility"
  3. Nicolas Hemeleers, Urbanist, CityTools, Belgium: "Divercity in Brussels: Stages of a Project in a Sustainable Neighbourhood Contract"
  4. Émilie Moreau, City Planner, Atelier parisien d'urbanisme, France: "Calls for Innovative Urban Projects – The Example of Reinventing Paris"
  5. Carol Bélanger, City Architect, City of Edmonton, Canada: "Our Tolerance for Crappy Architecture Is Now Zero: Institutionalizing Architectural Excellence in Edmonton"