Nordicité Competition Winners
The Quebec association of Urban Design (ADUQ) is pleased to announce the winners of the “Nordicité” competition launched in collaboration with the organization Vivre en Ville and le Bureau du design of the City of Montreal.

This ideas competition aimed for the creation of urban facilities or the design of public spaces that offers a unique and specific experience during winter. Creative, smart, original, participatory interventions should promote ambulation and boost the daily attendance of outdoor public spaces.
Thirty-six proposals were submitted, twenty-four for the "professionals" category and twelve for the "students" category. The jury noted the great interest that was generated by the contest. It also wanted to underline the quality of the submitted proposals. Seven proposals from the "professional" category and five of the "students" category have been shortlisted.
Facing the diversity and the quality of the proposals, the jury considered appropriate to split the awards to recognize different categories of the projects. Two tied awards and a mention for each category.
Professionals category winners
(who each earned a prize of $ 500)
Backwash -
Jean-Daniel Mercier and Alexander Guilbeault
Korridor Nordik -
Francis Falardeau-Laperle and Janie Hemond
The jury awarded a mention to: Dormant Places -Serina Tarkhanian.
Students category winners
(who each earned a prize of $ 500)
Winterness -
Manon Otto
Attention ça glisse -
Mikael Saint-Pierre, Audrey Girard, Eadeh Attarzadeh.
The jury awarded a mention to: Operation Snow - Jean-Philippe Simard, Alexandre Hamlyn, Emily Gagne-Loranger and Julien Beauchamp.
Vivre en Ville mention
The Vivre en Ville organisation has awarded its mention to “Îlot mirco-climatique” by Victor Rodrigue. The prize offered is the “Vivre en ville” publication "Retisser la ville".
Audience Award
The proposal that received the most votes during the exhibition at the Cinémathèque québécoise on Monday, April 29 is: Backwash - Jean-Daniel Mercier and Alexander Guilbeault -. The winners won a gift certificate worth $ 150 for the purchase of objects designed by Montreal designers from the catalog CODE Souvenir Montréal du Bureau du design.
For more information see