Maisonneuve Library

Multidisciplinary Architecture Competition

October 20, 2017
Planche 2 (détail)

Dan Hanganu architectes + EVOQ Architecture (landscape architecture: Civiliti; engineering: NCK / Pageau Morel)


“This public space both calls attention to the original monumental architecture and creates a coherent whole with its modern and transparent expansion. We drew inspiration from the multidisciplinary Beautiful City movement. … The original building’s powerful presence is overlaid with bold, dynamic, and modern gestures that accentuate the innovative character of the new library’s technological and media content, while supporting the value of permanence of this home to literacy.”

“We propose an expanded space that takes special surrounding features into consideration, such as the library’s square facing the Maison de la culture to the east and the long continuous public space of the Rue Ontario shopping street. … The main entrance is moved east to a ground floor that is an accessible extension of the square.”
- Excerpts from the winner’s presentation.

“The jury appreciated the team’s proposal, which accentuates the heritage building both inside and out. The creation of atriums on either side of the existing building creates a clear space that calls attention to the building’s architectural heritage. The playful aspect of the proposal is in keeping with the goals of a vision for a 21st century library, which include the democratization of knowledge.”
- Comments from the jury

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