The Griffintown Dialogues

As part of preparations for detailed planning for the Griffintown sector, the city collaborated with the Sud-Ouest Borough and the Design Montréal office to organize an urban design workshop for professional designers in different disciplines.

The workshop was organized in the spirit of the conceptualization exercises carried out in 2003 and 2004 under the supervision of the Sud-Ouest borough's Direction de l'aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises.

The workshop was part of a broader urban event intended as a planning, joint action and communication exercise, with the goal of establishing constructive dialogue among the different players interested in the sustainable revitalization of Griffintown: local residents and other Montrealers, representatives of the Sud-Ouest Borough and the city, developers, businesses and institutions located in Griffintown, urban planners, etc.

The Dialogues de Griffintown, an urban design workshop complemented by activities for the public, was held from October 23 to 26, 2006, and generated some innovative perspectives on development.

More details about the design workshop here.