Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

The quality of design and architecture in the city has a decisive influence on its residents' health and wellness. A well-designed space can encourage people to engage in and enjoy physical activity, which reduces the risk of illnesses. Environments with obvious landmarks, clear wayfinding, and a good balance of built features and natural spaces can help create a feeling of wellness, contribute to decreased anxiety, and improve quality of life for people struggling with mental issues.*

How can design and architecture contribute to enhancing the health and wellness of users and communities?

By taking an interest in users' emotional wellness
  • Providing abundant, democratized access to natural light and views, as a priority in spaces used by the largest numbers of people, for long periods.
  • Drawing inspiration from biophilic interior design principles (integration of natural features and materials) and providing access to green spaces of various types and scales.
  • Designing workspaces that respond to the needs of as many people as possible and provide flexible and adaptable furniture.
  • Limiting sources of sensory stress and other irritability factors.
By taking an interest in users' physical wellness
  • Providing spaces, facilities and amenities that encourage movement and active travel.
  • Ensuring thermal comfort throughout all four seasons, both indoors and in furnished outdoor spaces.
  • Encouraging healthy eating habits and access to quality drinking water.
By reducing health and safety hazards
  • Limiting exposure to volatile organic compounds, allergens, pollutants and viruses and thereby ensuring good indoor and outdoor air quality.
  • Avoiding the use of materials and substances that pose potential or proven short- or long-term health risks.
  • Minimizing user exposure to noise, light and odour pollution.
  • Mitigating risks and nuisances in the vicinity of the project (e.g., railroad tracks, high-voltage lines, overhead lines, electromagnetic fields).
By providing safe sites and facilities
  • Providing safe access to and use of sites in all seasons, day and night.
  • Minimizing users' vulnerability to mischief and crime (e.g., proper lighting, avoiding recessed areas).
  • Minimizing the risk of accidents and injuries, including those related to unintended (and unsafe) use of spaces.
By contributing to users' fulfilment
  • Creating spaces where users feel welcome and at home.
  • Encouraging user self-assertiveness and engagement (e.g., committees, interest groups).
  • Developing awareness of and empowering users (e.g., responsibility for operations or maintenance, responsibility for activity programs, mentoring or sponsorship).

To learn more about municipal objectives relative to the Health and Wellness dimension