Status: Inaugurated
Location: Quartier des spectacles
Type of project: Removable furniture
Program: This competition is one of the five “shukôs,” or creative challenges, issued during the Pecha Kucha Night for Elected Officials by the Mayor of Montréal as part of the commitments made by the Ville de Montréal and its partners in the Action Plan 2007–2017 – Montréal, Cultural Métropolis. One of the goals of this plan is to promote excellence in design and architecture by widening the use of competitions.
Principal contractors:
- Bureau du design de la Ville de Montréal
- Quartier international de Montréal
- Quartier des spectacles Partnership
Winner: Morelli Designers and Signature Design Communication consortium
First selection: Candidate submission
Second selection: Paid presentation
Number of competitors: 13
Number of finalists: 5
Scope: Provincial (Québec)
Targeted professionals: Professionals in the field of design or a related field, particularly in industrial design, architecture and landscape architecture.
Type of presentation: Before a jury
Public presentation: None
Professional advisor: Véronique Rioux
Steering committee: Yes
Technical committee: No
Competition documents:
- The competition program was prepared by the Quartier des spectacles Partnership project manager in collaboration with the professional advisor.
- The competition rules were prepared by the professional advisor.
Competition duration: 4 months
Launch of call for candidates: June 8, 2009
End of stage 1 (selection of finalists): June 25, 2009
End of stage 2 (selection of winner): October 5, 2009
Jury deliberations: October 7-8, 2009
Subsequent stages:
Official inauguration: 2012
Funding source(s):
- Ville de Montréal
- Quartier international de Montréal
- Quartier des spectacles Partnership
Competition budget: $100,000
Fees paid to the finalists: $15,000
Other fees (e.g.: professional advisor, jury, technical experts, etc.): $25,000
Press releases:
- June 8, 2009 (in French): La Ville de Montréal invite les designers à concevoir des éléments de mobilier urbain amovibles à l'usage des festivals
- October 19, 2009: Design competition for development of movable street furniture elements for use by festivals: Morelli Designers and Signature Design Communication are the winners