Handbook 3 – 35 Exemplary Projects Illustrating Best Practices
The Handbooks of Best Practices for Design and Architecture Quality for Industrial Sites provide concrete solution avenues to inspire action and guide exchanges among companies, promoters and decision-makers. With the Handbooks, the City hopes to prompt greater contributions from industrial projects and sites in implementing the Montréal 2030 Agenda for Quality and Exemplarity in Design and Architecture and delivering on the aspirations stated in the Montréal 2030 Future Vision as well as the City’s other plans and policies, including the City Vision (Projet de ville) and the 2020–2030 Climate Plan. The Handbooks have been developed in collaboration with the firm Lemay, mandated as principal provider responsible for researching and writing the documents. Cover project: Hydro-Québec 315-25 kV De Lorimier, by Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes (image: Adrien Williams)