2010 Edition


The fourth annual Design Montréal Open House wrapped up on Sunday, May 2nd. A total of 20,313 people took the opportunity to visit, free of charge, one or more of the approximately 100 participating Montréal design agencies, projects and presentation venues.

During these two days devoted to design, visitors met the winners of national and international design competitions in their work surroundings and had a chance to explore their latest creations. From video screenings to models, 3D animation, exhibitions, interactive installations, entertaining and educational activities for youngsters aged 10 and under, organizers pulled out all the stops to allow members of the public to better understand the work of designers and demystify their ideas about design, in a welcoming and friendly atmosphere conducive to exchanges of ideas and discussions.

At the exhibition-performance Regard 9, visitors had an opportunity to admire the talents of nine up-and-coming Montréal designers as they created one-of-a-kind works on the spot. The next generation of designers was also highlighted at exhibitions showcasing the work of graduating university students in the various design and architecture disciplines.

Producers and partners

Design Montréal Open House is an initiative of the Ville de Montréal in collaboration with the professional design community and in partnership with the Ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine, pursuant to the Agreement on the Cultural Development of Montréal, and in collaboration with the Société des transports de Montréal and BIXI.


Société de transport de Montréal


Pixel Circus

Media Partner

Nightlife Media

Organizing Partners

Association des architectes paysagistes du Québec (AAPQ)
Association des designers industriels du Québec (ADIQ)
Association professionnelle des designers d'intérieur du Québec (APDIQ)
Montréal Fashion Bureau
Canadian Architect
Canadian Interiors
Conférence interprofessionnelle des designers du Québec (CIDQ)
Design Exchange
• Fonds d'études et de recherche en design intérieur de l'Est (FERDIE)
Infopresse (Grafika)
Canadian institute of planners
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
Les Arts et la Ville
Ordre des architectes du Québec (OAQ)
Ordre des urbanistes du Québec
Société des designers graphiques du Québec (SDGQ)

Designers and places to visit

On May 1st and 2nd, between noon and 6 p.m., Montréal design offices that have won distinctions in national and international competitions over the past two years opened their doors to present the work that earned them these prestigious awards. The designers of Montréal-based projects were on hand to talk about their creations and answer visitors’ questions.


• ACDF* architecture
• Atelier Big City
• Cardin Ramirez Julien
 Jodoin Lamarre et associés Architectes + Manon Asselin Architecte
• Les architectes Corriveau et Girard
• Les architectes FABG présentent le Théâtre de Quat’Sous
• Les ateliers L. McComber
• Maxime Brault Architecte
• Menkès Shooner Dagenais Letourneux Architectes
• Nathalie Dionne Architecte
• _naturehumaine architecture et design

Architecture and urban design

• ABCP architecture
• Ædifica | architecture + design
• Cohlmeyer Architecture Limited
• Daoust Lestage Architecture Design urbain
• Groupe Cardinal Hardy
• Lemay associés [architecture, design]

Architecture and urban design

Affleck + de la Riva architectes

Landscaping and urban design

• Direction des grands parcs et de la nature en ville, Ville de Montréal
• Groupe IBI/DAA
• NIPpaysage
• Stuart Webster Design / Daccord Webster Paysage
• Urban Soland : paysages urbains
• VLAN paysages

Architecture and graphic design

• Sid Lee

Graphic design

• Agence Code
• AKUFEN Atelier Créatif
• Atelier Pastille Rose
• Baillat Cardell & Fils
• Commun
• Département/studio créatif
Écorce atelier créatif
• Elliot
• orangetango
• Renzo
• Thomas design/TOMA objets
• TOXA/Urbania
• Uniform

Interactive design

• Bluesponge
• Dynamo
• Moment Factory

Industrial design

• Aquaovo
• Michel Swift Design
• Scharly Designer Studio
• Signature design communication
• Tactix Gear Workshop
• Tak design industriel

Exhibition design

• Atelier Louis-Charles Lasnier
• gsmprjctº

Interior design

• c3studio
• Christian Bélanger Design / Les Archives
• GH+A Design Studios
 Ruscio Studio
• Thibodeau Architecture + Design présente Nespresso Café-boutique

Fashion design

 Bodybag by Jude, atelier boutique
• CLUC Couture
• Denis Gagnon
• Dinh Ba design
• ENVERS par Yves Jean Lacasse
• Harricana
• Helmer
• Katrin Leblond Design
• Marie Saint Pierre Design
• Mylène B
• Philippe Dubuc
• Valérie Dumaine
• Véronique Milijkovitch

Emerging Practices Selection

 à Hauteur d’homme – Louis-Philippe Pratte
• Bruxe – Oli Van Roost et Mer Van Roost
• Diane Bisson
• Julien Vallée
• Naked & Famous Denim – Brandon Svarc
• Philippe Malouin
• Post-vernissage – Ying Gao et Karl Latraverse
• Samare – Laurie Bedikian, Mania Bedikian, Nicolas Bellavance-Lecompte et Patrick Meirim de Barros
• SSSVLL – Guillaume Sasseville

Urban spaces

• Théâtre de Quat’Sous présenté par Les architectes FABG
 Nespresso Café-boutique présenté par Thibodeau Architecture + Design

Exhibitions and activities

• Atelier Punkt
• Audiotopie (3 parcours audioguidés et vidéoguidés)
• CD & I Associates
• Centre Canadien d’Architecture
• Centre des textiles contemporains de Montréal (CTCM)
• Centre d’expertise sur les matières résiduelles (CEMR)
• LABoratoire Créatif
• Maison de la culture Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie
• Maison de l’architecture du Québec
• Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal (2 expositions)
• Société des arts technologiques
• Université Concordia, département Design & Computation Arts
• Université de Montréal, Faculté de l’aménagement
• Université McGill, École d’architecture
• UQAM, École de design

