Recognizing and naming the designers and the architects behind Montréal projects

February 20, 2020

In the wake of the adoption of the Montréal 2030 Agenda for Quality and Exemplarity in Design and Architecture, the City has issued a formal directive aimed at systematically naming the designers and architects behind City projects. This administrative framework is aimed at:

  • recognizing the designers and architects behind Montréal’s design and architectural works,
  • highlighting Montréal talent from all design and architecture disciplines, and
  • supporting and emphasizing Montréal’s designation as a UNESCO City of Design

 The directive applies to all municipal staff, managers, and directors, in particular:

  • staff in charge of communication, writing, and distribution in the department of citizen experience and communication (Service de l’expérience citoyenne et des communications);
  • staff in charge of communication, writing, and distribution in all Montréal boroughs;
  • anyone working for a City-mandated organization who is likely to produce communication tools for the City.

 Under the directive, anyone who communicates on behalf of the City concerning a project that involves designers or architects must henceforth:

  • mention, in all media, the name of the designer(s) and/or architect(s), whether this be the name of an individual, a pseudonym, a creative business, a firm, a consortium, or a collective;
  • where appropriate, name the title of the project or concept, regardless of medium, for communication, representation, dissemination, advertising, exhibition, or archival purposes;
  • media and space permitting, include the “Montréal, UNESCO City of Design” logo and the text “Montréal has been designated a UNESCO City of Design since 2006.”


These mentions apply in particular to Montréal productions in the fields of architecture and landscape architecture, event design, experiential and interactive design, exhibition design, graphic design, industrial design, interior design, digital interface design, environmental design, fashion design, product design, service design, and urban design.

This directive is effective immediately for all City communications, along with those subject to retroactive modification.

Designers and architects who work on City projects are entitled to have their names promoted in connection with their achievements. In case of an oversight, they should feel free to remind whomever it may concern of this directive.