New Design Montréal map online this summer!

May 13, 2016

The city’s Bureau du design just added the new Design Montréal map to its website. The map makes it easy to locate [find, see, discover and get directions to] the buildings, public squares and businesses on Montréal Island for which Montréal architects and designers have won awards in the past five years. The map will also shows shortly new shops or outlets where you can find CODE SOUVENIR MONTRÉAL gift items. 

To ensure that the map is up to date and in line with the objectives of Montréal UNESCO City of Design, it shows only those projects meeting the following criteria:

  • The designer has an address in Montréal
  • The designer has an updated listing in the Design Montréal Directory
  • The award-winning project is located on Montréal Island
  • The award was won in the past five years (excluding the current year)
  • The project is in the public domain (accessible to the public)

Remember that there is no fee to be listed listed in the Directory  – all you have to do is complete the online registration form and submit the necessary details and photos.

A major promotional campaign will be conducted in Fall 2016 for the Design Montréal Directory [the only reference tool listing all Montréal designers and architects] and the Design Montréal map. If you’re not already listed and you meet the above criteria, don’t delay!  

The Bureau du design team
Our mission: promoting your talents!