Studio Jean Verville architectes

NMBHD, 1 Plex 3 Noses, Montréal, 2020
  • AR Architecture
  • EV Event design
  • XP Experience design
  • EX Exhibition design
  • IN Interior design
  • OB Object design

For the last 20 years, Jean Verville, PhD art, has been developing a practice integrating gamification of the architectural project development process with clients in order to integrate experiences with an artistic dimension. His production has won numerous national and international awards. Jean Verville has also been named professor at the School of Architecture of Université Laval, Canada.
Studio Jean Verville architectes consists of a multidisciplinary team working under the direction of architect Tania Paula Garza Rico. The complementary skills of team members contribute to the variability of the Studio's output.

Latest awards
Enterprise data
Full-time employees
Local business (Montréal, Québec, Canada)
100 %
In business since
Location: Le Plateau-Mont-Royal