Montréal Designers Directory – Request for updated information

Please complete the form below, indicating the changes required to your directory listing.

Your gallery can contain up to six royalty-free photos (landscape preferred) including Montreal-based projects and, if you wish, one portrait or team photo. Make sure you don't forget any data and follow the specified order (Project, City, Year). The year of the project may not be necessary in the case of a product/object design.
Check the “main photo” box to select the featured photo. The main photo must be in landscape format (16:9)
Picture files must weight less than 8 MB.  Authorized formats are: jpg, jpeg, png
Check the box(es) corresponding to your actual firm’s field(s) of practice; your projects (photos) should demonstate your practice.
Please describe your firm, its services and what sets it apart, clearly and succinctly, in 100 words or less. Bring out your innovativeness and entrepreneurship.
Update the list of awards you recently won (no more than 3 per year). Please select the most relevant ones.
*If the award was won by a consortium, please list the co-winning designers.
Please specify the corrections you wish to make on the distinctions that already appear in your profile. Your web page will only show a five year history (including the actual year).
From now on, the following information will be included in the Directory.

Contact information

The following information will not be displayed in the Directory, but will be stored in the Bureau du design’s database for the purpose of communicating with you in the future (e.g., to update the information).


I certify that the information provided is true and accurate, and agree to its publication as written in the Montréal Designers Directory.