Obe, installation audiovisuelle intéractive, Montréal, 2014
  • DI Interactive design
  • XP Experience design
  • SO Sound design
Digital artist based in Montreal, Mathieu Le Sourd (Maotik) focuses its work on the creation of immersive multimedia environments and generative visuals. His work has recently been presented in various festivals around the world, such as Live Cinema in Rio, the Plums Festival in Moscow, Visiones in Lima, Mutek Festival (Montreal, Mexico city, Barcelona and Bogota) and the British Film Institute in London.
Enterprise data
Full-time employees: 
Part-time employees: 
Local business (Montréal, Québec, Canada): 
25 %
Foreign business (international): 
75 %
In business since: 
Location: Le Plateau-Mont-Royal