
Oasis | Plage Saint-James, Montréal, 2021
  • AR Architecture
  • EV Event design
  • XP Experience design
  • EX Exhibition design
  • IN Interior design
  • UR Urban design
2x4 is an architecture firm creating immersive and playful experiences that bring people to understand and take agency within their environment in a renewed way. 2x4 is in a constant balance between an interactive and recyclable ephemeral experience and the desire for a responsible and perennial architecture, respectful of craftsmanship and know-how. Architectural competitions, design charrettes and scenographic installations fuel the firm’s innovative practice. 2x4 carries out residential, commercial, institutional and artistic projects with concern for environmental issues, well-being and pleasure.
Enterprise data
Full-time employees: 
Part-time employees: 
Local business (Montréal, Québec, Canada): 
100 %
In business since: 
Location: Le Plateau-Mont-Royal