Press review
The Montréal designers and selected gift items featured in the CODE SOUVENIR MONTRÉAL catalogue receive extensive media visibility through promotion of the catalogue, participation in public markets and local and international media relations.
À nous Montréal
Muriel Françoise, Index-Design
Le Devoir
Le Devoir
Métro Montréal
Déborah Cherenfant, Baron Mag
Foodism Toronto
Mélanie Galipeau, Boucle Magazine
Véronique Leduc, Epoch Times
Déborah Cherenfant, Mots d'Elles
Chantal Lapointe,
Jean-Claude Poitras, Le Devoir
Martina Djogo, Elle Québec
Leonardo Calcagno, Baron Mag
Tracey Lindeman, Montreal Gazette
Frédéric Guarino, Le Huffington Post Québec
LisaLou, Urban Froufrou
Ville de Montréal
Montreal Gazette
Marie-Josée Roy, Le Huffington Post Québec
Erin Donnelly, Azure Magazine
Bernard Gauthier, La Métropole
The Suburban @home
Chantal Lapointe,