Place des Montréalaises

International Multidisciplinary Landscape Architecture Competition

The Ville de Montréal is launching an international multidisciplinary landscape architecture competition for the spatial planning of Place des Montréalaises.

The Ville wishes to source the most innovative and creative ideas for the permanent construction of this new public space adjacent to Champ-de-Mars métro station, including a pedestrian overpass leading to Champ-de-Mars.

Purpose of the competition

The project that is the subject of this competition consists in designing Place des Montréalaises, a new public space adjacent to Champ-de-Mars métro station, including a pedestrian overpass leading to Champ-de-Mars.

The Ville de Montréal has determined that a priority urban project would be the repurposing of the areas bordering the Ville-Marie Expressway, grouping a number of works under the term “Projet Secteur Champ-de-Mars.” This project aims to define an attractive, high-quality urban frame that repairs the cut made to the area by the construction of the Ville-Marie Expressway trench in the 1970s. In so doing, the Ville de Montréal aims to restore ties between the historic city and its former faubourgs and to enhance the high-quality network of public spaces from Square Victoria to Square Viger.

The Ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l’Électrification des transports (MTMDET) is currently performing work to cover part of Ville-Marie Expressway, which will enable the City to develop the site. The new public place will be built atop the covering slab installed by the MTMDET, above the Montréal métro tunnel, and around their periphery.

The construction budget for the public place and the new pedestrian overpass is $34,080,000.

Type of competition

This competition is:

  • a multidisciplinary landscape architecture competition;
  • international in scope;
  • held in two stages: the first consisting of anonymous proposals, and the second consisting of service offerings prepared by a maximum of five jury-selected finalists;
  • a project competition leading to implementation.

Stage 1
All competitors are invited to submit a proposal: a preliminary spatial-planning concept that conveys their vision of the project and its mission, in accordance with the competition objectives.

The jury will select up to five finalist proposals. This first stage is anonymous and unpaid.

Stage 2
The finalists are asked to expand on their concept and publicly present a service offering to the jury. At the conclusion of this stage, which is paid, the jury will recommend a winner. All finalists must attend a mandatory individual information meeting with the Ville de Montréal.


Stage 1 / Proposal
Any team or firm that meets the following conditions is eligible to enter Stage 1 of the competition:

  • Consisting of a landscape architect who has been a certified member of the AAPQ or a member in good standing of a professional association or order outside Québec (component associations of the CSLA or the IFLA/FIAP) for more than 5 years; OR a landscape architect who has held a university graduate in landscape architecture for more than 5 years;


  • An architect who has been a member in good standing of a professional order or national association governing the right of practice of architecture for more than 5 years. 

The City encourages the formation of multidisciplinary teams (urban designer, urban planner, engineer, lighting designer, industrial designer, artist, traffic specialist, wayfinding/signage specialist, green architecture specialist, etc.).

Stage 2 / Service offering
Any finalist team or firm comprising, at a minimum, the following persons is eligible to continue on to stage 2: 

  • A landscape architect who has been a certified member of the AAPQ or a member in good standing of a professional association or order outside Québec (component associations of the CSLA or the IFLA/FIAP) for more than 10 years; OR a landscape architect who has held a university graduate in landscape architecture for more than 10 years. This Landscape Architect shall be the project coordinator;
  • An architect who has been a member in good standing of a professional order or national association governing the right of practice of architecture for more than 10 years and is authorized to practice the profession of architect in Québec under the applicable laws;
  • A structural engineer who has been a member in good standing of a professional order or national association governing the right of practice of engineering for more than 10 years and is authorized to practice the profession of engineer in Québec under the applicable laws;
  • A civil engineer who has been a member in good standing of a professional order or national association governing the right of practice of engineering for more than 10 years and is authorized to practice the profession of engineer in Québec under the applicable laws.

The jury is the same for both stages. It includes the following:


Competitors (Stage 1)
No fees or allowances will be paid at this stage of the competition. 

Finalists (Stage 2)
Each Finalist who presents a service offering deemed to meet the competition rules will receive a lump sum of $86,975, plus taxes.

The maximum budget for the winner’s professional fees is $5,790,000, plus taxes (including fees paid for stage 2).

Documents and registration

Interested competitors must obtain the competition documents through the website of the Système électronique d’appel d’offres SÉAO (prior registration is required to do so). The documents will be available from June 28 to September 26, 2017.

Submission location and deadline

The complete proposal or service offering of competitors or finalists must be received by the following dates at the address below:

Stage 1 / Anonymous proposals
Tuesday, September 26, 2017, noon EDT

Stage 2 / Finalists’ service offerings
Tuesday, April 3, 2018, noon EST (amended deadline following the addendum of 2017/12/18)

Submission address:
Concours Place des Montréalaises
Ville de Montréal
Service de la mise en valeur du territoire - Direction de l’urbanisme
303, rue Notre-Dame Est, 5e étage
Montréal (Québec)  H2Y 3Y8


All communications must be e-mailed to the professional consultant at:

This competition was held in compliance with the proposed Règlement type pour un concours d'architecture, pluridisciplinaire ou de design de la Ville de Montréal (Model rules for an architectural, multidisciplinary, or design competition sponsored by the Ville de Montréal), approved by the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Occupation du territoire (MAMOT).