IMPACTE Program: Centre Saint-Paul

Call for Proposals

The Ville de Montréal is launching, this spring, the Initiative montréalaise en vue de la Protection, l’Amélioration et la Conversion des immeubles patrimoniaux excédentaires dans un contexte d’excellence en Transition Écologique (the Montréal initiative for protection, enhancement and repurposing of surplus heritage properties in a context of green transition excellence, known by its French acronym IMPACTE).

The IMPACTE program is part of Montréal’s real estate strategy for vacant and surplus buildings, which promotes the preservation and enhancement of municipal heritage and identity-shaping buildings. Surplus vacant buildings are those that are unoccupied and slated for sale, repurposing or deconstruction. There are nearly 70 such properties currently under the responsibility of the city’s Service de la gestion et de la planification des immeubles (SGPI).