Developing a Stronger Design Culture, Together – 2nd Edition

Call for Proposals 2023–2024

The second edition of the call for proposals was aimed specifically at enriching the Design Montréal Quality Toolkit content in order to achieve a deeper shared understanding of the 12 notions that it lays out and how to apply them in various project contexts.

Four of the 13 proposals submitted were selected, representing a total of $293,645 in financial contributions and contracts for professional services. A total of $111,130 was granted to two organizations to support beneficial projects, with another $182,515 granted to two companies for design of awareness and decision-support tools.

Stream 1 – funding for NPOs

École de technologie supérieure, Centre d'études et de recherches intersectorielles en économie circulaire (ETS-CERIEC)

Project: Lab construction: Digital knowledge-transfer platform Vers des changements de pratiques en économique circulaire
Description: A new digital platform for dissemination of learnings from three years of applied research into circular-economy concepts for the construction industry in Québec. This knowledge stems from 19 pilot projects of varying natures and scopes (e.g., buildings, neighbourhoods, municipal administration, provincial regulation). It documents implementation strategies validated across various links in the real-estate value chain. The results of the experimentation projects will serve as proofs of concept and inspiration for the industry, and will be reproducible and scalable. The deliverables, in various formats, will be hosted on the Design Montréal Quality Toolkit (e.g., decision-support and planning tool, process map, case study file, scientific article, regulatory recommendation, road map for the industry).

This project will enrich the Environmental Responsibility dimension of the Design Montréal Quality Toolkit (Quality Vision section). It will also contribute to achievement of the results targeted by the Montréal 2030 Strategic Plan, notably as concerns the following priorities:

Priority 4 – Develop a greener and more inclusive economy by supporting the circular and social economy, along with local and eco-responsible purchasing, and by creating new high-quality green jobs

Priority 5 – Advance toward a zero-waste, more sustainable and clean future for the generations to come, notably via reduction at source and recycling and recovering waste

Université de Montréal – Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediation of Excellence (UdeM-CRC-ACME)

Project: Protocol for study and qualitative assessment of the social value of public buildings through documentation of users’ lived experiences
Description: A protocol for post-occupancy quality assessment, describing methods for gathering and studying accounts of lived experiences in municipal spaces and buildings, and for compilation of a set of remarkable lived-experience stories and records. The goal is to better understand the factors that influence the quality of lived experiences in those spaces and buildings.

This project will enrich the strategies and actions for Sustaining Quality outlined in the Design Montréal Quality Toolkit (Quality Operation section). It will also contribute to achievement of the results targeted by the Montréal 2030 Strategic Plan, notably as concerns the following priority:

Priority 19 – Provide all Montrealers with safe, quality living environments and a local response to their needs

Stream 2 – contracts for professional services

Six Cinquième, in collaboration with Never Was Average

Project: Guide on design for and with culturally diverse and under-recognized communities
Description: The mandate includes production of video vignettes as well as Web content. Montréal design industry professionals from culturally diverse backgrounds will contribute to the process.

This project will enrich the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion dimension of the Design Montréal Quality Toolkit (Quality Vision section). It will also contribute to achievement of the results targeted by the Montréal 2030 Strategic Plan, notably as concerns the following priorities:

Priority 8 – Combat racism and discrimination within the city administration and within society to ensure inclusion, economic integration, urban safety and fulfilment for all

Priority 15 – Support Montréal’s cultural vitality and creative heart, including cultural industries, artists, creators and cultural workers

Association des architectes en pratique privée du Québec

Project: Training capsules to improve the effectiveness of methods for communicating and analyzing files submitted to Montréal’s urban planning advisory committees (comités consultatifs d’urbanisme or CCUs), to promote quality of architectural siting and integration. 
Description: The mandate focuses specifically on positive experiences of CCU processes among three types of stakeholder: architects in private practice, professionals in borough positions, and committee members. The goal is to document and recommend best practices for communicating and analyzing files.

This project will enrich the communications strategies outlined in the Design Montréal Quality Toolkit (Quality Operation section). It will also contribute to achievement of the results targeted by the Montréal 2030 Strategic Plan, notably as concerns the following priorities:

Priority 10 – Increase citizen participation and involvement in municipal public life and position citizens and local stakeholders alike at the heart of decision-making processes

Priority 11 – Ensure a simplified, smooth and accessible experience for all citizens, and help bridge the digital divide

Priority 12 – Leverage transparency, openness and data sharing, and adoption of emerging technologies to improve individual and collective decision-making


Stream 1:

  • 5 proposals studied for a total of $232,753 in funding requests
  • 2 organizations selected
  • $111,130 granted

Stream 2:

  • 8 proposals studied for a total of $835,765 in professional services contracts
  • 2 companies selected
  • $182,515 granted
