2015-09-18 Phyllis-Lambert Grant 10 K$ / Commerce Design Montréal / Saul Bellow Library / Shenzhen Design Award for Yourng Talents / Welcome to designmontreal.com
2015-05-22 20 Winners: A Triumphant Evening / People's Choice Award: I vote, You vote, They vote... / Yellow Weekend: A Two-Day Feast for the Eyes
2015-05-22 Commerce Design Montréal Special Newsletter : 20 winners / People's choice Award / Yellow weekend
2015-04-23 Commerce Design Montréal: Save the Date: May 11, 2015 / CODE SOUVENIR MONTRÉAL: Five Design Firms to Represent Montréal at Design Month in Graz, Austria / UNESCO Creative Cities Network: Montréal Studio FEED to Attend Nagoya Conference
2015-04-23 Commerce Design Montréal : May 11 / CODE SOUVENIR MONTRÉAL : 5 design firms in Austria / UNESCO Creative Cities Network : FEED in Nagoya
2015-03-20 La Camaraderie and Dikini at the Biennale de design de Saint-Étienne / Montréal meets Graz exhibit / Participatory installation and video projections in the Quartier des spectacles / Future public square in the Champ-de-Mars
2015-03-20 UNESCO Creative Cities Network: La Camaraderie and Dikini at the Biennale de design de Saint-Étienne / CODE SOUVENIR MONTRÉAL: Ich war dort - Montréal Meets Graz Exhibit / Participatory Installation and Video Projections in the Quartier des Spectacles
2015-02-27 Phyllis Lambert Grant: Émilie F. Grenier in Reykjavik / CODE SOUVENIR MTL: String Theory Makes a Splash in Paris / Grands Prix du Design: Dikini, Daily tous les jours and Guillaume Sasseville / Grafika Awards: Product for City’s Protocol Office Rewarded
2015-01-27 Archi Branchés Television Series: Discover Montréal's Architecture / Industrial Design Is Alive and Well in the City: A New Addition to the City's Supplier Database / Commerce Design Montréal Awards: An Impressive Roster!