Better Insight, Onsite - Creation of Worksite Information Modules

International Design Competition

The Ville de Montréal is launching an international competition for the design of worksite information modules. The purpose of the modules—prototypes of which will be installed in summer 2017 on three specific sites—is to mitigate the adverse impacts of worksites on the quality of life of residents and the economic vitality of surrounding areas.

Objective of the competition

Upgrading underground infrastructure, incorporating new public transit networks, developing streets and new parks, as well as building and restoring major buildings and public artworks, are all situations requiring the establishment of urban worksites; these significant transformations to the ways cities function aim at long-term enhancement of the quality of the living environment as well as the cities’ overall attractiveness. Although these transitions are essential steps in the renewal of cities for the 21st century, worksites of this nature are disruptive both to the economic activities of business communities and to the daily lives of citizens, with impacts on mobility, access to services and retailers, and general peace and quiet.

Committed to improving citizens’ living environment and maintaining the attractiveness and economic health of arteries and districts affected by such work, the Ville de Montréal is seeking to implement 3D platforms called worksite information modules.

This competition invites members of the international design community to reflect on the topic of the worksite information module as a mitigation tool and communications platform to assist users in understanding the construction/rehabilitation work in progress. The modules will not only inform residents and visitors about the site and its impacts but may also serve as tools for interpretation of the history of the site, the eventual design, the key stages of construction, the various stakeholders, or any other relevant aspect to be communicated relative to the worksite or its location.

The budget to complete the project is $50,000.

Type of competition

Project competition:

  • Design
  • International in scope (all countries)
  • Held in two stages: the first involving anonymous Proposals and the second involving Service Offerings submitted by a maximum of four (4) Finalists chosen by the Jury.

Stage 1
All competitors are invited to submit their proposal, an overall idea of how the vision and mission of the project will be rendered in accordance with the objectives of the competition.
The jury will retain a maximum of four (4) proposals. This first stage is anonymous and unpaid.

Stage 2
The finalists are invited to develop their idea in greater depth and to present their service offering (concept/sketch) to the jury in front of a public audience. At the end of this stage, which is paid, the jury will select the winner.


Any Designer with two (2) years of professional experience, or any Firm or Team that includes at least one Designer with two (2) years of professional experience, is eligible to enter Stage 1 of the competition.

At Stage 2 of the competition, all Firms and Teams must meet the following conditions:

  • Having at least one industrial Designer;
  • Having at least one graphic Designer;
  • Having at least one Engineer;
  • Having at least one Coordinator with a minimum of five (5) years of professional experience and who practices out of an office located in Québec at the time of entering the competition.

Is considered to be a Designer:

  • a member of an order or professional association in the fields of development and design (architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, urban design, interior design, environmental design, industrial design or graphic design);


  • any graduate of a university program leading to the design or completion of development projects in the above-mentioned fields;


  • any person with at least five (5) years of experience and a peer-recognized practice in the relevant field. Where necessary, the recognition must be attested to by a person who would be eligible for the competition based on the first two (2) stated criteria.

The Jury, which is the same for both stages, comprises the following individuals:

  • Louis Beauchamp, Directeur du Service des communications (director of the communications department), Ville de Montréal
  • Pierre Gaufre, Design Commissioner, Bureau du design, Ville de Montréal
  • Bryan-K. Lamonde, graphic designer, partner, Bureau Principal
  • Félix Marzell, industrial designer, president, DIX au carré
  • Judith Portier, CEO, Design par Judith Portier Inc.
  • Alexander Römer, architect, constructlab (Berlin)
  • Owen Rose, senior architect, rose architecture

Competitors (Stage 1)
No fees or allowances will be paid at this stage of the competition.

Finalists (Stage 2)
Each finalist that presents a service offering deemed to meet the competition rules will receive a lump sum of $10,000, plus taxes.

The professional fees to complete the project are $47,000, plus taxes.

Submission and deadlines

The complete file of any proposal or service offering submitted by a competitor or finalist must be received on the following dates:

Stage 1
December 1, 2016 before noon EST

Stage 2
Febuary 21, 2017 before noon EST

To enter

SEAO is the acronym for « Système électronique d’appel d’offres » (Electronic Tendering System)


All communications regarding the competition must be in writing and pass solely through the Professional Consultant at the following e-mail address during the question periods stipulated in the schedule: [email protected]

This competition was held in compliance with the proposed Règlement type pour un concours d'architecture, pluridisciplinaire ou de design de la Ville de Montréal (Model rules for an architectural, multidisciplinary, or design competition sponsored by the Ville de Montréal), approved by the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Occupation du territoire (MAMOT).