Coffee and Registration
Welcome and Context
Patrick Marmen, Lead Design Commissionner, Bureau du design, Ville de Montréal
Lessons from Design Action Plans Around the World
Professor Anna Whicher, PDR
Exercise 1: Map the Design Ecosystem, its Strengths and its Weaknesses
Who are the key stakeholders in Montréal’s design ecosystem? What is working well and what is not working well in the ecosystem? What are the top 5-10 enablers of the Design Ecosystem in Montréal?
Exercise 2: Visioning the future Design Ecosystem
What does success look like for the design ecosystem? What do you want the design ecosystem to look like in 2 / 5 / 10 / 15 years’ time?
Exercise 3: Developing & Prioritising Design Actions
How can we build on the strengths and bridge the weaknesses? What steps do we need to put in place to achieve the vision?
Developing a Design Action Plan
What would you prioritise? Who should deliver it? What are the timeframe, budget and impact indicators?
Measuring Design
What do you want to know? Do you want to focus only on the design sector or how industry and government use design?