Quartier Latin Pole – Development Category

Urban Design Ideas Competition

To promote innovation in architecture and development in conjunction with the Special Planning Program (SPP) of the Quartier des spectacles, Quartier latin pole, the Ville-Marie borough is inviting designers to participate in an urban design ideas competition.

Purpose of the competition

To respond to the many concerns about the district expressed on the Partage ton idée, website, in a series of interviews and at a major visioning activity, the borough is staging this contest to stimulate reflection on redevelopment of public space and housing in the Quartier des spectacles.

This event will be a unique opportunity to integrate, in a spirit of openness, transparency and diversity, proposals from associations, corporations and professionals on the Montréal design scene as part of the implementation of the SPP. This competition also aims to identify designers who can work in concert with the Ville-Marie borough and the SHDM to develop innovative solutions over the short, medium and long terms, adapted to the Quartier latin context.

The competition notably concerns problems related to residential typology and urban development of the Quartier des spectacles –Quartier latin pole, in Montréal.

Entrants are invited to submit proposals in either or both of the following categories:

Architecture Category 
This category of the competition primarily concerns issues related to formalization and planning of housing typologies. They will serve as a starting point for developers to select future projects and formulate a specific habitat model in cooperation with the SHDM.

Development Category 
This category of the competition concerns the enhancement of public space as part of urban planning to allow the client to establish a development program during the implementation of the SPP for the sector.

Type of competition

This ideas competition is:

  • An urban design competition;
  • Open;
  • Anonymous;
  • Held in one stage.

The objective of the contest is to select four teams of professionals. Of the proposals received, four teams will be selected and recommended by the jury to the client; each will win a prize. If the jury's recommendation is approved by the client, the four winning teams will also be invited to participate in the implementation of the special planning program (SPP).


Each entrant that submits a proposal in due form, and that is recommended by the jury will receive one of the following prizes:

Architecture Category:
One winner:

  • One prize of $10,000, taxes included
  • One invitation to develop a proposal, valued at $25,000, taxes included, in cooperation with the SHDM

One people's choice:

  • One prize of $5,000, taxes included

Development Category:
Three winners (e
ach winner will receive):

  • One prize of $10,000, taxes included
  • One invitation to assist the borough, valued at $15,000, taxes included.

One people's choice:

  • One prize of $5,000, taxes included.

The call for proposals is directed at urban planning professionals (architects and landscape architects). Contestants are also invited to form multidisciplinary teams (urban designers, urban planners, engineers, lighting designers, industrial designers, artists, traffic specialists, signage specialists, green architecture specialists, recycling specialists).


The jury comprises the following individuals:

  • Raouf Boutros, architect
  • Luc Couillard, urban planning consultant, Service du développement et des opérations, Direction des transports, Ville de Montréal
  • Isabelle R. Laliberté, architect, project manager, Société d'habitation et de développement de Montréal
  • Nik Luka, professor, School of Architecture and School of Urban Planning, McGill University
  • Claire Néron-Dejean, urban planning project director, BC2FP
  • Mark Poddubiuk, architect, L'OEUF and professor, UQAM School of Design
  • Julie Saint-Arnaud, landscape architect, Vlan paysages
  • Monique Savoie, founding president and artistic director, Société des arts technologiques (SAT)
  • Sylvain Villeneuve, urban planner, head of the urban planning division, Direction de l’aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises, Arrondissement de Ville-Marie
Registration and documents

To enter, candidates must send an e-mail to [email protected]. They can then receive information and updates regarding the competition.

In addition, hard copies of the competition documents will be available for consultation only by appointment at the borough office, whose address is specified below.

Site visit

A visit to the site is scheduled for April 3, 2012 at 10 a.m. on the square in front of the Grande bibliothèque, in the Ville-Marie borough. The professional advisor will be on hand to answer candidates' questions.

Submission location and deadlines

Competition documents must be submitted by May 8, 2012, at 4 pm, to the address below:

Urban design ideas competition: Quartier latin pole
Ville-Marie borough
Att.: Philippe Drolet, architect, professional advisor
800, boulevard de Maisonneuve Est, 17e étage
Montréal (Québec) H2L 4L8


Philippe Drolet, architect, professional advisor
E-mail: [email protected]

All communications pass solely through the professional advisor. Any questions or requests for details from an entrant or finalist regarding the competition must be sent directly and solely to the professional advisor by e-mail during the question period specified in the calendar contained in the rules and regulations.