Sainte-Cath Works – To minimize the impact of the public works on Sainte-Catherine Street West

Design Competition

Ville de Montréal is launching a design competition to minimize the impact of the redevelopment of Sainte-Catherine Street West. This major construction project, which will begin in spring 2017, involves the repair of underground infrastructures and a new urban design.

Objective of the competition
Sainte-Catherine street

Ville de Montréal is undertaking major repair work on the underground infrastructures of Sainte-Catherine Street West between Atwater Avenue and Bleury Street. In addition to upgrading obsolete underground infrastructures, the aim of the project is to redesign the street to ensure its safety and functionality, enrich users’ experience and reinforce the distinctive character of Sainte-Catherine Street West.

Given the scope and complexity of the project, the construction site will inevitably have an impact on downtown Montréal, in particular on the daily lives of citizens and retail merchants.

Ville de Montréal recognizes that Sainte-Catherine Street is a major commercial artery and, as such, the City wishes to maintain a quality urban environment on the street during the four-year span of the project.

To this end, the City is organizing a design competition to reduce the project’s impact by enhancing the work site. Successful examples elsewhere in the world show that creative and innovative ideas can help minimize the negative impacts of work sites and reduce disruptions in the daily lives of retail merchants, residents, workers and tourists. The budget to complete the project is $2,800,000, including taxes.

Type of competition

This design competition is:

  • multidisciplinary
  • national in scope
  • held in two stages: the first involving anonymous proposals and the second involving service offerings prepared by a maximum of five finalists chosen by the jury

Stage 1
All competitors are invited to submit their proposal, an overall idea of how the vision and mission of the project will be rendered in accordance with the objectives of the competition.
The jury will retain a maximum of five proposals. This first stage is anonymous and unpaid.

Stage 2
The finalists are invited to develop their idea in greater depth and to present their service offering (concept/sketch) to the jury in front of a public audience. At the end of this stage, which is paid, the jury will select the winner.


The jury, which is the same for both stages, comprises the following individuals:

  • Romain Bonifay, civil engineer, responsible for the engineering and construction of Projet Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Division des Grands Projets, Ville de Montréal
  • Marie-Chantal Croft, architect associate, Coarchitecture
  • Fannie Duguay-Lefebvre, urban design associate, Atelier Civiliti
  • Mario Mercier, creative director and associate, Compagnie et cie.
  • Émilie F. Grenier, narrative experience designer, recipient of the Phyllis Lambert Design Montréal Grant
  • Benoît Lemieux, senior consultant, Creos
  • Patrick Morand, architect and creative director, Patrick Morand architecte
  • André Poulin, executive director, SDC Destination centre-ville
  • Claude Sirois, executive vice-president, shopping centres, North America, Ivanhoé Cambridge

Competitors (Stage 1)
No fees or allowances will be paid at this stage of the competition.

Finalists (Stage 2)
Each finalist that presents a service offering deemed to meet the competition rules will receive a lump sum of $24,900, including taxes.

The professional fees to complete the project are $695,000, including taxes.

Submission and deadlines

The complete file of any proposal or service offering submitted by a competitor or finalist must be received on the following dates and at the following address:

Stage 1
May 5, 2016 before noon EST

Step 2
August 15, 2016 before noon EST

Submission address
Ville de Montréal
Service des infrastructures, de la voirie et des transports
Vivre le chantier Sainte-Cath Design Competition
To the attention of Diane Raymond
801 Brennan Street, 10th Floor
Montréal, QC H3C 0G4

To enter

SEAO (Système électronique d’appel d’offres du gouvernement du Québec)


All communications must go through professional consultants Véronique Rioux and Sophie Julien only. All questions or requests by a competitor or finalist for clarification about the competition must be forwarded by email directly and solely to the professional consultants at [email protected] within the established timeline for questions as specified in the competition rules.

This competition was held in compliance with the proposed Règlement type pour un concours d'architecture, pluridisciplinaire ou de design de la Ville de Montréal (Model rules for an architectural, multidisciplinary, or design competition sponsored by the Ville de Montréal), approved by the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Occupation du territoire (MAMOT).

Ce concours a été tenu en conformité avec le projet de Règlement type pour un concours d'architecture, pluridisciplinaire ou de design de la Ville de Montréal, approuvé par le Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Occupation du territoire (MAMOT).
