Montréal Libraries, Architecture and Design Awareness Program – 2016-2017

Call for Projects

Bibliothèque Saint-Pierre, atelier du 24 octobre 2016

Saint-Pierre Library (Lachine), in collaboration with Joël Desmarais of Machine Design Appliqué and École Martin-Bélanger-Lachine


Quartier Saint-Pierre: A new layout for improved quality of life through the eyes of its young people

The Saint-Pierre Library will celebrate its 50th anniversary in November 2017. The following program is a special opportunity to recall and underscore the paramount role played by this institution at the core of the Saint-Pierre neighbourhood community.

Organized in collaboration with Design Machine Appliqué, the workshops and interactive activities offered aim at raising young people's awareness of architecture and urban design while prompting them to reflect on various means of taking action to improve one part of the neighbourhood, and to express and defend their ideas.

Workshop on September 26, 2016

  • Introduction to the basic concepts of urban design
  • Presenting the concept of the architectural model (dimensions, materials)
  • Explanation of the standard forms of spatial representation (e.g., map, world map, globe)
  • Explanation of scale
  • Evaluating students' ability to locate their home, school and frequently visited places on a map of the neighbourhood

Workshop on October 24, 2016

  • Students' individual written expression about places in the neighbourhood that they appreciate and those they do not like as much (or not at all)
  • Presentation of model urban design projects, which provide concrete examples of elements that can enhance quality of life
  • Discussion of places less appreciated by students
  • Assignment of neighbourhood spaces to students in small groups, who are asked to design mini action plans for enhancing the spaces

Workshop on January 23, 2017

  • Presentation of the students' projects/concepts
  • Analysis and comments on the projects